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Embodied Books: Handling Patient Narratives with Care

Embodied Books: Handling Patient Narratives with Care

Visit with artist book maker, Darian Goldin Stahl and connect with medical practioners and artists in our community at Art Center Waco from 6pm-8pm! 

What can the sensory expressions of artists’ books, including their combinations of image, texture, form, weight, gesture, and even scent, teach readers about what it is like to live with illness? Are there some medical experiences that reside beyond the reach of words, and are instead better expressed in an intimate handheld work of art? This lecture explores how artists' books bridge expressive gaps between patients and physicians within two projects. The first is the decade-long collaboration between bookmaker Dr. Darian Goldin Stahl and her sister, medical ethicist Dr. Devan Stahl. The second project is Embodied Books, wherein intrepid bookmakers are empowered to create artists' books about their lived experiences of illness, disability, and caregiving. When these books are then presented to healthcare workers, their stories beckon us to reconnect with the sensing body and handle these narratives with care.

Refreshments will be provided. 

Monday, November 11, 2024
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Time Zone:
Central Time - US & Canada (change)

Event Organizer

Heidi Uhey