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Space Availability - Experiential Learning Commons

Experiential Learning Commons is a private category and can only be viewed at this URL. If you leave this category, you'll need to use the URL to return to it.
MISSION: The Experiential Learning team strives to develop and host a passionate community of learners, teachers, and researchers interested in creativity, innovation, and critical engagement with our world. We do this through specialized equipment and spaces, supported projects, and ongoing conversations. (


ELC Studios are reservable at, but the following instructional spaces are bookable by staff for workshops:

  1. The "Design & Data Lab" accommodates instruction for our Library Literacies initiative, including Information, Media, Making, and Data.
  2. Makerspace Green hosts design space, SLA and FFF 3D printing, laser cutting/engraving, desktiop CNC, and electronics.
  3. Makerspace Gold hosts an assembly area for messy work, fabric arts, crafts, vinyl cutters, heat press, and hand tools.
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